Connecting the unconnected has been the focus of this seasoned international program executive’s work for the country of Macedonia, Montenegro, regions in Romania and Primary Teacher Colleges in Uganda. Accomplished long-term sustainable solutions for nationwide wireless Internet access in Macedonia by leading the collaborative efforts of numerous stakeholders making Macedonia the first all broadband wireless country in the world. This successful, results-oriented technology strategist unites public/non-governmental sector sensitivities to corporate decision-making and program management.
Senior ICT Advisor, Washington, DC November 2007-Present
Consulting services specializing in Information Communication Technologies Planning, Design, and Implementation – Globally.
Clients: CHF International, EDC, Computer Frontiers International, Academy for Educational Development, TechSoup Global, SRA
Consulting services specializing in Municipal Wireless Planning, Design, and Implementation – Globally.
Technical Advisor Albania
• Serve as a technical advisor to the USAID Mission establishing the implementation strategy for municipal wireless services throughout Albania.
• Capitalize on new government initiative being led by the office of the Prime Minister to provide broadband services to all schools, municipal government offices, health centers and rural populations.
Technical Advisor Montenegro
• Serve as a technical advisor to the USAID Mission establishing the implementation strategy for municipal wireless services throughout Montenegro.
• Capitalize on new laws opening formerly closed telecom markets and now allowing internet access which is associated with future economic growth for the region.
Technical Advisor Senegal
• Serve as technical advisor to the USAID Mission desire to provide connectivity to schools throughout Senegal.
• Serve as technical advisor to AED for the selection of low powered PC units for schools on and off the power grid.
Technical Advisor Republic of Georgia
• Serve as technical advisor to the USAID Mission desire to provide connectivity to schools throughout the Republic of Georgia.
Chief Operating Officer, Project Director – Macedonia Connects, Skopje, Macedonia, Senior Technical Advisor – Montenegro 2004-2007
Oversaw the $4 million United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded initiative including: selection of technology partners, hiring and managing staff of 7, and managing the infrastructure implementation for the delivery of wireless internet access services throughout Macedonia. (
• Met project milestone for all 460 schools in Macedonia to have computer labs and wireless broadband Internet access allowing all children, regardless of ethnic background, to gain knowledge and learn with 21st century technology.
• Responsible for the development of an E-Literacy marketing campaigns delivered via Internet website, print, radio, and TV to the country’s 2.1 million population, both urban and rural.
• Led Phase I assessment and feasibility study for converting Montenegro into a fully wireless country. Assessed and addressed issues and hurdles including telecom environment infrastructure, internet services and RFP process.
Senior IT and Wireless Broadband Technical Advisor
Responsible for the IT projects for the Academy for Educational Development (AED) field offices overseas.
• Designed, configured, and installed 4 telecentres providing telephony and Internet services in the Moldova region of Romania using wireless technology for the USAID-funded Romania Information Technology Initiative (RITI)-Access Project based in Bucharest, Romania.
• Created the first wireless network in Uganda connecting 9 primary teacher colleges for LEARNLINK UGANDA with a $2 million from USAID.
AED Technical Consulting Projects:
o USAID/Jamaica:
Led $2 million project to redesign the National Health Information System for the Jamaican Ministry of Health as part of the project designed and established an SQL-based information system into 13 hospitals and 10 major health centers nationwide.
Designed and implemented information system for the Jamaican National Family Planning Board.
o Nicaragua: Established a WAN for the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education.
o Designed and installed LAN systems in The Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Panama, Russia, and the Newly Independent States.
Vice President & Chief Information Officer 1994-2003
Established IT department with 2 staff supporting 280 users growing to 20 staff supporting over 1,200 employees worldwide. Annual budget $2 million.
• Designed a state-of-the-art “24/7” server room operation to meet the needs of this multinational non-profit organization operating in 54 countries.
• Designed AED portal website providing complete access to all organizational applications, forms and information centers, which created a seamless interface for staff worldwide.
Key Accomplishments at AED:
Web Services and Technology Training Group – established Internet Services Provider (ISP) for commercial and non-profit clientele generating income for AED annually.
• Developed capacity of this group to provide complete array of Internet support services including web site design and implementation; web site hosting; Internet dial-up services; e-commerce solutions and Internet consulting services.
• Supported 75+ clients worldwide including USAID, the World Bank, Department of Education, Health and Human Services, and various non-profit agencies.
• Managed a 15-seat training facility and coordinated a comprehensive year round training schedule.
Technical Support Services – established a HELPDESK support organization for 1,200+ end users located in 54 countries.
• Services included Dial-up support, Internet/Intranet based support, and an on-line knowledge base access allowing end-users the ability to resolve simple computer related issues.
• Implemented an enhanced call tracking system for the HELPDESK to manage end user needs with greater precision.
Networking Operations Group –served as the second tier support group after the technical support service group.
• Configured, installed and managed all file servers in the file server room; Novell, Windows 2K, Sun Solaris and Linux based server - all connected to a Storage Area Network running on a gigabit backplane.
Financial Management and Purchasing – responsible the IT budget and the centralized purchasing of all computer equipment for AED, $2 million annually.
Management of Information Systems Director
Responsible for computer operations at $26 million Telecommunications Company and its 26 U.S. based offices.
• Designed and implemented approximately $8 million worth of system upgrades with a staff of five.
• Designed and instituted a new computer operation and data processing center located in Chantilly, Virginia.
• Created national network backbone using Frame-Relay Network to tie in all remote offices.
• Oversaw the conversion of 320+ users to a Window-based computer environment.
• Established TCP/IP systems to provide access to Unix-based accounting and management systems.
GRENADA MINISTRY OF HEALTH, St. Georges, Grenada, West Indies 1986-1989
Health Information Specialist
Served on the 8-member team sent to Grenada after the American intervention to help re-establish a heath care management system.
• Individually responsible for establishing a computer information system which both the Ministries of Health and Finance used to improve inventory management for medical supplies at the two major hospitals and outlying medical districts. Created and presented management reports to the Cabinet and senior level government officials.
• Created a centralized information system at the Ministry of Health. Established a computer information center to design data collection forms for the Ministry and track the information retrieved including health statistics data, inventory data, and morbidity figures.
AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China 1983-1985
Source Agent
Secured computer components for this Santa Clara, California-based original equipment manufacturer. Products were sold as the first wave of PC clones.
• Located all elements required to build a complete PC-compatible computer.
• Oversaw the shipment by container of all system components to the United States for final assembly.
LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF (LWR), Baltimore, MD 2003-2004
Serving as Chief Information Officer/Senior Leadership Team Advisor
Analyzed the organization’s worldwide IT needs for the strategic planning process. Provided IT oversight.
• Conducted an exhaustive investigation of the current IT systems and potential including interviews with individual in primary service areas. Wrote a comprehensive 160-page report recommending in detail the five significant changes and enhancements to bring considerable efficiency to LWR.
• The Board of Directors incorporated all five elements into the strategic plan and LWR has since acted on each item.
Serving as Chief Information Officer
• Contracted to conduct a technology needs analysis as part of the LIRS strategic plan.
• Created, conceptualized, and initially planned the development of a new proprietary software program to manage the resettlement of refugees worldwide.
PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY, Washington, DC 2003-2008
Serving as Chief Information Officer
• Manage the overall IT needs of the organization, hire, train, and oversee technical staff as needed.
NETWORK DESIGN GROUP, Washington, DC 1981-Present
Computer Consulting Firm providing computer-based services to primarily small, non-profit businesses. Formally established in 1991.
• Create turnkey technology solutions and services for organizations in fields other than technology.
Selected Client List:
DC Area: International Social Service, US Green Buildings Council, Economic and Social Research Institute, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Recreation Coalition, Chartered Health Plan, Stanley H. Kaplan Test Preparation Centers, Preferred Communications and Lists, Catholic Diocese of Northern Virginia, Federal Aviation Administration.
Other: Turner Communications, Fort Lee, NJ, Arcata Open Door Clinic - Huntington Beach Community Clinic, Huntington Beach, Planned Parenthood of Eureka, Planned Parenthood of Santa Ana, CA.
Social Sciences and Women’s Studies
B.A., SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY, New College, San Jose, CA 1981
Psychology and Sociology